122 Search Results
Associate Vicar for Christ Church Barnston with St Michael's Pensby
Office Holder
£31026 - £31026
02/12/24 (In 7 days)
Team Rector (designate) for The Isle of Ely Villages Team Benefice
Little Downham Rectory, Little Downham, Ely, Cambs
Office Holder
National Stipend level
31/01/25 (In 67 days)
Priest in Charge (0.5FTE) of Kingston Park
Kingston Park, Newcastle upon Tyne
Office Holder
03/12/24 (In 8 days)
Vicar (half-time) for the parish of Christ the King, Princes Park (Chatham)
Chatham, Kent
Office Holder
07/12/24 (In 12 days)
Priest in Charge of the Emmanuel Benefice (Newsome, Armitage Bridge and Netherton)
Armitage Bridge
Office Holder
13/12/24 (In 18 days)
Interim Priest in charge of the Benefice of Birkby St John and Woodhouse
Office Holder
29/11/24 (In 4 days)
Team Rector - Benefice of Hermitage, Newbury Deanery, Berkshire
Hermitage, Newbury, Berkshire
Office Holder
25/11/24 (In 0 days)